Pocky Candy Snacks. By Jen Santelices January 14 2021.
Pocky は 日本 の 菓子 メーカー 江崎グリコ が 1966年 昭和 41年から発売している チョコレート 菓子で同社の登録商標第3103630号他である.

. The perfect balance of high quality creamy chocolate and the crunch of a biscuit stick gives Pocky its irresistible taste. You can choose from kawaii candy snacks with limited. Pocky is a world-famous brand of Japanese snacks from Glico.
ポッキーチョコレート 公式江崎グリコ Glico JANコード4901005510029. Japanese snacks and candies are loved all around the world for their unique flavors designs and textures. They are frosting coated biscuit sticks that come in many Pocky flavors as well as seasonal and limited-edition varieties.
When talking about Japanese candy and Japanese snacks Pocky is a name that will pop up in almost every conversation. Pocky is about sharing happiness and bringing people together.
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